
The inventor of the patented and clinically validated open-cup hydrogen tablets, which have made a significant impact in the health and wellness industry. In addition to his work on growing the commercial market for hydrogen therapy, Alex actively contributes to the ever expanding research on molecular hydrogen.


Ever expanding, Alex is also spearheading numerous other projects. Alex developed the TRUE|LONGEVITY and TRUE|PERFORMANCE line of supplements along with multiple other experts, from PhDs and MDs to an expert Dietician. These lines of supplements were developed in the spirit of evidence and quality; every ingredient had to be validated scientifically, and dosed appropriately. Moreover, the combination of ingredients had to make sense, from a complementary or even synergistic outlook. Alex wanted a line of supplements that weren’t just good products, but products he feels he needs to take daily, and as an extension, that others should be taking daily as well.

Additionally, Alex has filed for a patent on a Hydrogen Inhalation device currently in the prototyping stage, as a collaboration with one of the most prominent researchers in the field. Abiding by the mantra of “safe and effective”, Alex has shied away from hydrogen inhalation units in the past, as the units that are safe are ineffective, and the units that are effective have safety concerns. Through novel ideas and engineering, Alex and his partners have developed the schematics on what will be the first hydrogen inhalation machine in the world that is both safe, and effective. Stay tuned for this machine to launch sometime in 2024.

Finally, Alex has begun an exciting new field of research with molecular hydrogen, which is where he believes the future of research will lead; namely, the use of his patented hydrogen tablets as a delivery system for approved pharmaceuticals. So far, this approach has demonstrated synergy across multiple preclinical trials, with several more in the planning stage. Follow along for updates on this research, and future commercialization opportunities.